Day 35, Thursday, September 26th, 2019: Melide to Salceda
Today was the last long day on the Camino. The last time we would leave in the dark before sunrise to walk 16+ miles. The last time we would drag out the flashlights and hope we didn’t twist an ankle on the trail. Bittersweet, but another milestone accomplished.
We hit a quiet “sweet-spot” without the throngs and noise for most of the day. We luckily only encountered the teenagers when they were stopped for a break as we thankfully hustled past.
Many steep ups today as well as a few steep downs. The forests were beautiful and a welcome shaded embrace.
I reflected on the last 35 days as we walked and all that we’ve seen and experienced. It is hard to put into words. I have never had an experience like this and probably never will again. More to come later on that.
We arrived our Albergue around 1pm and had a lovely lunch. We will savor these last two days as we finally arrive Santiago on Saturday.
Buen Camino.